Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Week 8 School Report

Bible: Memorized 2 Corinthians 5:7 and Matthew 19:26. Read the Bible stories Transfiguration, Temptation of Jesus, Jesus Teaches Nicodemus, Jesus and the Samaritan Woman, Jesus Heals a Blind Man, and Jesus raises Lazarus. We also read some religious Thanksgiving books (one based on Psalm 92) and began reading some religious Christmas books. We set up some Advent decorations and each day the Lambs all take turns doing one thing on the Advent calendars we have. We light the Advent wreath for family devotions and the Lambs take turns putting the candles out at the end of devotions.
Reading: We read a lot of books this week-many with the Thanksgiving theme, many by authors Jan Brett, Eric Carle, Virginia Lee Burton, and Nancy Carlson. We read The Bears on Hemlock Mountain, some books about the 5 Little Monkeys, and Chanticleer and the Fox.
History/Geography/Science: We read many books about the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving. We read  about wild turkeys. We read about Galileo. We read about Saint Nicholas.
We read Armadillo from Amarillo. Lamb 2 knew what town, state, country, and continent he lived on. He did not know what planet he lived on. He just kept guessing planets until he got to Earth. I was impressed that he knew as much as he knew.
Handwriting: Lamb 2 worked on his Kumon books Easy Mazes and coloring book.
Music: The Lambs sang Over the River and Through the Woods several times this week. Lamb 1 finished his Kumon drawing book. He put it with his other drawing materials and now he will use it for drawing for fun instead of being assigned one to draw daily. The Lambs listened to Chopin, Schubert, and Bach. We read the book, Ben's Trumpet and listened to music from all the instruments in the book.
Math: Lamb 1 continues to work on Saxon Math 2. Lamb 1 and 2 both "played" with pattern blocks for a long time yesterday. Lamb 2 finished his dot to dot book up to 20 so the next book goes up to 50. Lamb 1 continues his dot to dot book up to 100. Lamb 2 continues to work on his Kumon numbers book. He is currently working on writing the numbers between 20-30. I also have Lamb 1 working on a counting book, mainly to make sure that he is writing all the numbers correctly.
Other: The Lambs helped decorate the Christmas trees at the church next door. The boys have shoveled snow a lot. Our ECFE had a Christmas party where they decorated cookies, made gift bags, received free books, listened to a Christmas story, and sang Christmas songs. We attended Christmas program practice and an Advent midweek service at one of our churches. The Lambs went along to one of the Ladies Aids Christmas parties and enjoyed playing Bingo, singing Christmas hymns, eating, and receiving lots of gifts from the ladies. Lamb 1 and 2 each took a turn to go with Ram to get one car serviced-and received their own "Papa time". We wrapped and shipped Christmas presents for Ram's parents. The Lambs have cleaned up toys a lot the past week.
Ewe started cleaning out her Christmas files from when she was teaching in the classroom. The books and file folders did not even fit in one file drawer! I have never cleaned this drawer out-just continually added to it since college. I was always so busy at this time of year that things just got thrown in the drawer. I have thrown a lot out and I'm only about 1/2 way through the drawer. I am determined to finish cleaning it out this week before we get busy with Christmas again and it gets saved for next year's project. I am discovering some ideas of projects to do with the Lambs this time of year.

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