Friday, April 20, 2012

ID pastor conference

Ram went the past 3 days to the South ID pastor conference that was held at the new Concordia Law School. He was able to commute. It began at noon on Tuesday so he went into his office that morning before he went to the conference. He was home each night. It ended on Thursday at noon so he was home that afternoon too. When we were in MN we were about 3 or 4 hours away from where they had pastor conferences. It was so strange that he went to conference but our family didn't go along and stay at a hotel or our family didn't stay home while he was gone for a few days. We kept our regular routine at home. I know that he won't always be able to commute to conferences, but this was nice.
On Wednesday night they met at Old Spaghetti Factory for a meal together that was covered with the conference registration fees. Ram asked if spouses were invited and decided that our whole family would all go. There were quite a few spouses and a few high school age but ours were the only young children. The Lambs were well behaved and the food was good. We sat near the person from the district that represented our District President at the conference. It was nice to meet him and get to know him a little. Lamb 1 had clam sauce spaghetti and nearly finished his whole plate. Lamb 2 and 3 both ate a lot of spaghetti and meatballs. Everyone commented that the Lambs were well behaved and they were glad that there were pastors with families near enough to join the fun evening.
After dinner the Dean of Concordia Law School spoke to us. I am so impressed with their new school and faculty-the Dean is a former supreme court justice of ID. This is the first LCMS law school and the first one in Boise. Boise had a professional ballet before they had a law school. The Dean is thrilled that Concordia, Portland made this a reality. They will open this fall with their first class. The pastors asked what was going to be Lutheran about this law school. They will do work in the community (free legal services), are a campus of Concordia Portland, will have classes on religion and law, donations from some Lutherans, etc. Ram suggested that the area pastors take turns leading chapel in their beautiful chapel. The Dean liked that idea. The pastors are glad to now have a building at Concordia Law School to have conferences.
After the law school presentation then we spent some time visiting. It is a small LCMS world. I didn't expect to know anyone. I went to college with one lady there and we had a good time catching up. Another pastor, his former Call was to Fargo and they moved to ID last year. Ram had called him a few times and asked him to visit some of our MN members in the hospital in Fargo when Ram wasn't able to get there. Ram asked if that was the same pastor and it was. One of Ram's former elementary school teachers was there. (Remember he didn't grow up LCMS!) I was able to meet some of the wives. We decided some of us pastor families in the area will try to get together soon.
We got home after the Lambs bedtime and getting up for preschool the next morning was difficult for Lamb 3. Our whole family enjoyed the evening. Our district is so large (WA, OR, AK, ID) that pastors and their families don't have chances like this very often so I'm glad we went.

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