Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Our book cart

I bought the book cart at a church moving to a new location sale. I think they had used it in their kitchen. The boys did a thorough job washing it for me and sanding the rusty spots. The paint was on sale at Walmart and after much family debate I decided on green which did not make some of the Lambs happy. One Lamb said, "Who ever saw a green cart at the library?" Then we were at the public library (to vote in the city election) a few weeks later and we saw all colors of book carts including green!
I used the cart to organize our science books that we will be using next school year on the top two shelves and our history books on the bottom shelf. The book cart is in our home library. If I ever see another cart at a garage sale, I'll buy another one for our school room.
Some of our church members are truly concerned about the weight of our books in our house after helping us move. We need to have them over to see our home library now that we have a book cart too! Plus they would see that the books are mostly in the home library but also spread through our whole house.

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