Saturday, March 20, 2021

Recycling and shopping "local" today

Crossed off today's to do list:

Recycle 6 ink cartridges that have been used over the last year

Not shopping Amazon-instead shopping stores I can go to-running shoes for Lamb 2, dress shirts for Lamb 1 and 2, Hyde Bro bookstore, library 20 cent shelf, check a book out of the library instead of buy it, Kroger pick up, Office Depot, make a return to Old Navy, Costco

Recycle 4 pairs of running shoes the Lambs outgrew that were discovered in their closets in the last year

Buy the last item on our list for library supplies we need with our Thrivent action team money

Plus our weekly order of micro greens grown locally by a friend were delivered.

I am hoping to make lots more deliveries of donations/give away items/try to sell items during spring break in a couple of weeks. Getting the recyclables out of the garage was nice, getting the donation pile out of my house will be even nicer.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Donating is a good thing. We used to do yard sales to get rid of stuff but they are far too much work for the little return you get.

Blessings to you and your family!