Sunday, February 14, 2021

February Week 2

Lambs were a little shocked that they had no delays or remote learning the first 4 days of this week. I was happy to have a normal schedule, they felt like they needed more sleep after late nights doing homework. Lamb 1 started reading The Great Gatsby for American Literature, Lamb 2 started reading The Odyssey for English class. Lamb 2 knew what would happen in the Odyssey from homeschool so I had to encourage him to still pay attention.

I stopped into the 20 cent shelf at the library (open again!) and the community center had a book sale. I gathered a few books at each for the school. It wasn't anything exciting, just a few at a time.

We received notification from Purdue that Lamb 1's dual 4 credit computer class is free because we financially qualified. He had some trouble logging into his Purdue account this semester, but I am so glad he got this figured out so he will get college credit for high school work. Bonus is that it's free!

Thursday night was parent teacher conferences and I went alone while Ram went to church with Lamb 1. I managed to stay on schedule for 7 conferences-8 minutes each- and only got behind for the last one. I saw 4 teachers for each Lamb. I wanted to see one more teacher but she was unavailable that night. All the teachers said the Lambs are working really hard and they can tell that it doesn't come easy for them. Both Lambs are looking forward to several classes next year so some of the conferences were to discuss those choices.

After the conferences Ram and I snuck out to go out to dinner and discuss the conferences together. Unfortunately we chose a restaurant that had a live band that was too loud to really talk. It was still a fun evening and nice to get away for a short time. I'm not even sure the Lambs knew we went on a short date!

Friday was a scheduled e-learning day which means they don't zoom into classes, but the teachers give them an assignment. Teachers have different policies so Lamb 2 had 2 assignments due before 3pm on Friday, some assignments due before midnight on Saturday, and the rest are to be turned in their first class next week. Lamb 1 had some assignments due before midnight on Friday, one on Monday before midnight, and the rest at their next class. Once they get these assignments done, they are having a nice break.

Saturday Ram ran some errands for me and I stayed home and tried to get some things done. One errand he did some Christmas shopping for our family. Last year we didn't take any vacations or do much extra shopping, which made December busy to quick get some gifts. I am determined to work ahead on gathering gifts this year. 

Saturday night we played the game of Life together as a family. Lamb 1 won. It is rare that we have time to play games together during the school year.

I'm still working on getting organized to get ready to do taxes. I did very well with family bookkeeping until about June. I regret not keeping better books for the second half of the year. While I am working on last year, I'm also catching up on this far into 2021, hoping to not get behind again.

No school tomorrow (Monday), but the Lambs will need to finish homework due on Tuesday that is not done yet. Snow predicted so they may have a delay or no school on Tuesday, we will see.

We didn't do anything special for Valentine's Day. Both Ram and I had book clubs at different times and the Lambs had a relaxing day after church. 

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