Thursday, March 13, 2014

Different Parts of the USA

Yesterday my dad reported that most schools in Fort Wayne were closed for another snow day.  I remember a couple of the years that I was teaching in Fort Wayne that school was canceled on St. Patrick's Day for snow.
Yesterday Lamb 3 counted all the flowers that have bloomed in our front yard. Before and after church last night the Lambs played outside with all the other kids from church in short sleeves. After church someone suggested we turn the heat off in the sanctuary now that it is March. When we got home from church I made all the Lambs drink a lot of water because they were so hot after all that playing.

Today most schools in Fort Wayne are on a 2 hour delay.
Today the Lambs are choosing which shorts to wear to track practice tonight. This morning the birds are chattering loudly outside my window.

Are you ready to move to ID yet?

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