Tuesday, March 18, 2014

When it rains it pours...

1. Ram's finger is better and he went back to work today. He is on some high power antibiotics just in case some infection got in there.
2. Lamb 2 lost his voice and felt worse today. I took him to the clinic. A nurse practitioner student saw him first. He ran both a strep and flu test on him and both were negative. Then the nurse practitioner saw him. She didn't like the ways his ears looked. We'll never know if he wasn't completely over the last ear infection or if he got a new one. It was just the beginning of an infection. They gave me a prescription to get filled if his ear gets worse. It is stronger than he took last time as they suspect it didn't work last time. We rarely go to the doctor and the clinic knew our family name today.
3. Last night my washer broke. It started making this terrible noise so I thought after this load we should have it checked out. Lamb 1 came downstairs after his bedtime to tell me that it stopped in the middle of the load. It didn't even make it through that load. This morning I took all the wet clothes out and put them in my bathtub. I emptied a lot of water but it won't drain. Tonight Ram will need to see if he can get the rest of the water out with a shop vac.
4. I did a little research on the computer about that washer noise and decided it would be better to replace the washer than pay for repairs. We bought this washer used when we moved here 2 years ago for the rental. A couple of guys from church helped us hook it up at our new house. I am very nervous about buying a washer for a second floor laundry room.
5. I decided to go to an appliance store that we bought a used refrigerator from when we first moved here. Ram looked up the address and it was out of business. I had no idea where a good place to buy used appliances was besides there so I decided to buy a new one.
6. So after lunch I went and bought a new washer. I had no time to read reviews or ask Loopers. I knew I did not want a front load on the second floor. I knew I wanted a very delicate cycle. I wanted a basic washer, not one that adds the soap and everything. I chose a top load Maytag. I am hoping it at least works for a week so I can get caught up on the laundry that is piling up while I'm without a washer. I figure I can use it enough doing that to decide if I like it before the 2 week guarantee is up. If I don't like it, I have no idea what I will trade it for. I am glad that the one detergent we found that is affordable and that doesn't irritate Lamb 2's skin is ok for HE washers. They will deliver the washer tomorrow-it worked out to be the only day I am home all day.
7. The Lambs hurried to clear their toys out of the hallway so they can deliver the washer. Lamb 1 was really ambitious and cleaned up the whole playroom while he was at it. He wants Grandpa to see where/how he would build a train table in the playroom. Grandpa will be here in a few weeks to celebrate Lamb 3's birthday.
8. I had to cancel Vision Therapy for Lamb 2 because he was sick yesterday and today. We will need to make up those therapy times over the next couple of weeks. I had to cancel piano lessons because Lamb 2 was sick and Lamb 1 did not practice very much last week. I am hoping that Lamb 2 is better before speech and OT on Thursday.
9. The plan was for Ram to take the Lambs to track tonight so I could attend a teacher workshop. Lamb 2 was sick so Lamb 2 and 3 are home with me and soon we will go trade cars and Ram will take all the Lambs home while I go to the workshop.
10. We made meatloaf for supper last night. We had a busy day planned today so I said  leftovers were for supper and we would eat something else for lunch. After coming home from the clinic and before I went shopping for the washer we ate the meatloaf. So that meant I had to make supper tonight. Today was supposed to be very busy. It was busy, just not doing very much of what we had planned for today!

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