Friday, June 26, 2015

Beginning of our summer vacation

Sunday, May 24-Ram did not have Bible Study so we could leave right away after church. We left before 1pm. There was some rain and we saw some rainbows on our drive. We only made necessary stops-once for gas, once for supper, and breaks for the boys when necessary. We arrived at our hotel in Bozeman about 10pm.

May 25-Today was Lamb 2's birthday so we attempted to make it a little more fun day although we had lots of driving to do. We let the Lambs play games on the iPad and get their own drinks at Starbucks. There was over a one hour wait at Cracker Barrel in Billings, probably due to the Memorial Day holiday so we did not eat lunch there. We did eat supper at Cracker Barrel in Bismarck. We were unable to connect with our friends that live in Bismarck, I had not notified them early enough. Lamb 3 fell asleep in the afternoon and when we crossed the border into North Dakota he needed a change of clothes. It seemed like we were driving forever, but we arrived at our hotel in Fargo about midnight.

May 26-Even though we had a late night before, I made everyone get up and we left the hotel about 9am. The Lambs wanted to play on the playground in Ortonville, MN. They miss merry-go-rounds like this one.
We then went to our friend's house for haircuts. Here is one final picture before my haircut.
All 5 of us had haircuts, with Ewe shedding 12 inches for Wigs for Kids. We stayed for a little lunch with our friends. Then we went for chiropractor adjustments for all 5 of us with our favorite chiropractor.
We drove past our old home and were shocked that almost all the trees are gone except for one volunteer that we let begin when we first moved there. That tree seems huge now. It is sad that the parsonage was sold.
The old tri-parish that Ram served has been recombined and is now served by two pastors each serving three churches, but not the same combination that Ram served. We are thankful that all three small churches are still open and being served by wonderful pastors. The old tri-parish hosted a potluck for us at the middle church that evening. We were able to see everyone at once and tell them about ID. Some of our former members are now in heaven and the others are a little older, but we loved seeing everyone.
Then we stopped by to see one family that was not able to attend the potluck and stayed way too late talking to them. We arrived late that night at one of the pastor's homes to spend the night. It was wonderful to catch up with them a little bit that night and at breakfast.

To be continued...

*I'm finding I took very few pictures, I was too caught up in talking to people. I'm trying to recreate our trip a month later so we have the memories written down here.

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