Thursday, September 26, 2013

Our daily routine now

*Homeschool 3 different levels-especially helping Lamb 2 learn how to read and helping Lamb 3 learn how to write all his letters and numbers-also Lamb 1's school work is more academic now that he is in 4th grade
*Lamb 1 and 2 practice piano daily-Lamb 2 needs help reading the directions from his piano teacher to know what to practice and also needs help reviewing his music note flash cards daily
*Lamb 2 and 3 have different speech therapy homework-both need an adult to help
*Lamb 2 is now attending Occupational Therapy and has exercises to do twice a day
*Lamb 1 is in a book club at the library and the first book was almost 400 pages. In order for him to finish before the first meeting, he needs Ram and I to read parts of it with him. So I read a couple of chapters and then he reads a couple of chapters. I have no idea what the plot of this book is, at this point I'm just reading to him so he isn't overwhelmed. Part of the problem is that he wants to read other books and has a lot of books checked out of the library waiting for him to finish the book club book. We know we need to get started on the next book right away after this book club meeting- taking turns reading chapters again. I think this book club is an excellent opportunity for my shy Lamb so I'm willing to help him so he can succeed.

I'm a little overwhelmed organizing all this. I've also gotten myself into doing the job of the Sunday School Superintendent but not actually being the SSS. I feel like I'm never home and we're just going to church/Sunday School, speech, OT, and piano. I never thought I would wish we were back in the days of all 3 Lambs being under age 4. I never thought I would say changing (and washing) diapers and nursing (and getting up in the middle of the night) was easier than this! I know this is September and we will get used to our new routine as the school year goes on. But that is what scares me-I know as the school year goes on we slack in some areas. We are unable to slack in any of these areas-Lamb 2 must do his exercises daily and the Lamb 2 and 3 need to practice speech daily. This summer when the Lambs took a break from practicing piano, Lamb 2 forgot almost everything he had learned this spring which tells me they need to practice piano daily. Ram tries to help and does help when he is home, but he is working most of the day when the Lambs need help.

So don't be surprised if I scream if you ask me why my Lambs aren't in sports or other activities. I can't handle running to one more activity especially if it involves homework or practice. Right now we have plenty that we NEED to do. There will be time to get involved in more activities as they get older.

1 comment:

MaryLu said...

I would hope that when my children grow up they remember more fondly the times we had together as a family rather than the hours of endless driving from one extracurricular event or another. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.