Thursday, April 26, 2012

Our week

Monday I went to a funeral for a Looper's husband with another Looper.
Tuesday Lamb 3 was supposed to have pictures taken at preschool. I decided to take all 3 Lambs as we haven't had professional photos taken for awhile. The photographer never showed up. We wasted the morning going over there and waiting. I'm just glad I have boys so I didn't do their hair and get them really dressed up for nothing.
Wednesday the Lambs had dentist appointments. Lamb 3 was shy but had a great appointment once he opened his mouth. Lamb 2 has a couple of tiny cavities. Lamb 1 needs some sealant painted on his back molars. I feel bad about Lamb 2-I know it is because of no flossing during the move. Overall considering all the moving we did since their last dentist appointment it wasn't too bad of an appointment. Lamb 1 and 2 have appointments for their dental work. We are now committed to both brushing and flossing again. Lamb 1 had a full mouth x-ray and it was interesting to see his baby teeth/adult teeth.
We had planned to eat lunch at home after the dentist, but what I had planned to eat, the avocados were rotten, I think it was a bad bag but our hot temps here didn't help. We didn't have leftovers or much else to eat. So we went out to eat.
After lunch the Lambs had their last homeschool library class for the year. It was also trade books day (bring a book, take a book) and I found some good treasures and had brought the right amount of books to trade.
Then we went to Costco to stock up on a few things. All I bought was produce and lifejackets for the Lambs. Even if I hadn't bought the lifejackets my bill would have still been above $50. Sigh.
On the way home we went back to the library so the Lambs could use the restroom. It was craft time so we went to that. The Lambs decorated flower pots for Mother's Day.
Then we came home and besides produce still didn't have anything to fix for supper.
So Ram watched the Lambs while I went to the grocery store.
We finally got the Lambs to bed and I spent the rest of the evening doing dishes. I'll be so glad when my dishwasher is repaired!
Today Lamb 3 had preschool. I got my supplies organized for scrapbooking on Saturday. I cleaned 2 bathrooms, one more to go. I still have to clean the floor on the main level. Trying to be ready for the in-laws to arrive tomorrow for Ram's birthday! I love our house so much that I don't even complain about cleaning it.

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