Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Long overdue update

I'm sorry I haven't posted for so long. I'm trying to get caught up to start blogging again regularly.
1. We decided on July 16 that we would be going on vacation this year-leaving on July 22, driving to Indiana, and being gone one day shy of two weeks. It was last minute planning so everyone we wanted to see didn't work out. But we had a great time seeing who we were able to see. We drove through MN and saw many friends there. On the way back we stopped in Cheyenne and saw friends. It was a huge driving trip!
2.  Because it was last minute planning there was lots to do the week before we left. We took 4 boxes of books to Hyde Brothers/Half Price Books and a bunch of stuff we donated to the Seminary. Packing all that was more work than packing clothes. I will blog more about our trip and our bookstore shopping in a later post.
3. When we returned home there was all the "get caught up" after vacation stuff to do plus we got ready for a visitor. My cousin is studying to be a veterinarian and she has a class/internship in the area for a couple of weeks. She came on Saturday. I love having another female in the house. I love having another willing pair of hands to help with meal prep and clean up. I love that the boys bathroom smells like a girl instead of three little boys. (I'll leave what their bathroom normally smells like to your imagination.) The boys loved having another "adult" with us when we went swimming and to play endless games of Skipbo. Today was her first full day at her class so we had a few days together before she began class.
4. Yesterday we went and bought blackberries, I didn't have the time to pick them. Now I know where the place is so next year I will know where to go pick strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. I made two batches of jam yesterday. Today I'm working on freezing/making yummy treats out of the rest. We also bought corn and some of the best cantaloupes I have had in a long time.
5. I've had some doctor appointments recently, routine for my thyroid, etc. but going to new doctors after moving always involves more. I'm working on getting my records here for an appointment in September.
6. We got back to school today- one workbook for Lamb 3, handwriting and math for Lamb 2, and math for Lamb 1. We will ease into school this year and get back to all subjects after Labor Day when Lamb 3 begins preschool. Lamb 3 will go to preschool 3 mornings a week this year so we should be able to accomplish more on the days he is at preschool. After Labor Day I'll post what the boys are doing in school this year-I still want to finish a few subjects from last year before I declare that we are beginning a new school year and what we are studying.
There is more that we have done the last few weeks, but this update will have to do until I sit down and blog some more.

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