Tuesday, November 19, 2013


When we lived in MN we often got the Sunday paper. I rejoiced when there were diaper coupons in the paper, especially Pampers or any kind of wipe coupons. I cut coupons but besides the diaper coupons, not a whole lot got used when we only went for one big shopping trip a month. They would either expire or I didn't have time to look for specific items on our long shopping days.
A few years ago we stopped getting the Sunday paper. It just wasn't worth the hassle any more and easier to buy generic. This was even when Lamb 3 was still in diapers because we used cloth diapers with him.
Last week and this week we got the Sunday paper. I knew there would probably be some good coupons in it for Thanksgiving dinner. What surprised me was there were very few coupons that we could use any more. We don't buy diapers. We don't buy bread or rolls any more. We don't use a lot of cleaning products besides vinegar.
I was able to use a couple coupons for things like spices and cottage cheese-matched up to sales in the store. There was a rebate for liquor which we used to stock up on vodka for homemade vanilla! Plus now I live in a city and I can actually use the coupons for stores like Hobby Lobby and Michaels and Joann Fabrics before they expire. I know I could print these same coupons off the internet, but it is nice to get them all together in the newspaper. Same for looking if it is worth a trip to Target-are things we use on sale? Last week it was for us at Target, this week it is not.
So I would say that it is still worth the price of a newspaper for us to get the coupons in the Sunday paper, our savings are just very different than they were 5 years ago. Plus Ram gets to read the paper, even if we think it is very short on news compared to the Twin Cities Sunday paper. But I don't think we'll become regular subscribers and definitely not the extreme couponers that get several copies of the Sunday paper.

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