I was actually one of the first ones to arrive. So we snacked on the hummus that Ram made and on Glenda's delicious homemade salsa while we waited for everyone else to come. We had a delicious supper of french onion soup and salad made by Gina and Charity. Then Suzanne had planned a few pencil and paper brain games. I didn't get to do much of them because I was chasing Lamb 3 as he walked around their house exploring. Then we sat around and talked and drank wine and mead and ate chocolate. We did devotions out of the Treasury of Daily Prayer and then went to bed about 12:30am.

For breakfast on Saturday Kristi made a delicious egg casserole. Then we did some sightseeing in Sioux City. We enjoyed seeing the Lewis and Clark center.

life size sculpture of the Last Supper.
Then we stopped at the candy store and stocked up on chocolate and treats! I bought the Lambs and Ram a few treats since they were so nice to let me go to the Mamapooloza. Many bought treats for their children's Easter baskets.
Then it was time for me to say goodbye. They ate at a restaurant that even had a martini bar. I stopped along the way a few times to have a break and take care of Lamb 3. I was glad to be home and tired after all that driving in 2 days.
I'm really glad I went and met so many Loopers after e-mailing with them for a few years. It was great to put a face with a name. Some of them have blogs so I had seen photos and a few I had met before, but most I had no idea. It was a lot of driving for a few days, but it was worth it to me. I don't know if I will try to attend the Mamapooloza every year, but it was nice to go this year and meet everyone.
Ram did fine with the Lambs. Lamb 1 was sick with a cold the whole time I was gone. They were thrilled to get out their play grain bin and real corn. They aren't allowed that with Lamb 3 as he would eat the corn. They went to library storytime on Saturday. I left the kitchen a mess and Ram cleaned it all up. Ram made bean soup for supper last night and we ate leftovers today.
I wasn't up for the four-day weekend I would've had if I had been able to come with Melody. Word on Facebook is that I've been volunteered to host the next one. I'd be happy to!
Sounds like fun! I'm excited for our wives retreat coming up at the end of April--that's my chance to get out!
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