Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Weekly Update

1. Along with everywhere else in the country, we got our very hot temperatures this week. I don't remember ever seeing the red thermometer on the forecast that you can see here. (I did see the thermometer for extreme cold in MN!)

July 9 forecast for the week-Notice it was currently 100 and felt like 104 

July 9, I took this photo about 3:30pm and it was 106 and felt like 114, about an hour later we thought it was going to storm and the temperature dropped to 96. I did not storm here but it did storm not far from us and several did lose their power. Storms are so strange here to me-not the Midwestern thunderstorms that I grew up with. It did get to 108 and break the record, but I only saw it at 106.

2. We have VBS this week. I think I am teaching more this week than I did the whole time we lived in MN. I taught Sunday School last Sunday and am scheduled to teach again next Sunday. I am teaching the preschool class this week of VBS.

3. Along with the hot temperatures-today it was in the upper 80's and it seemed so much cooler to me I didn't turn the AC on until much later in the afternoon when it got in the 90's.

4. I don't know how working moms do it-I'm having a difficult time getting everyone to VBS on time with lunches packed for Lamb 1 and 2 and I get to leave VBS at noon so I only "work" a couple of hours. Tonight Ram's dad came to drop off some stuff and my house was a wreck-we were in the middle of trying to get caught up on dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash, etc. when he arrived. Just being gone a few hours messes up my whole routine. 

5. I have photos to post from visiting a fire engine field trip, July 4th, and VBS. Maybe next week I'll get caught up on blogging. In the meantime we have 2 more days of VBS, a church picnic, I'm going to scrapbooking for a night, and we have to help with a booth advertising our preschool. I don't plan to do much next week besides catch up on the housework and get back to our regular summer routine. I'm going to relax on Ram's day off next week! 

1 comment:

Joelle said...

2 things:
1 - yes, I miss 'real' thunderstorms. I love when we're in IL and there is a wonderful storm - I miss them!
2 - if Julianna is in your class at VBS, tell her mom hi from me! :)