Tuesday, September 15, 2015

2016 Budget Additions

This is what I remembered I forgot in the budget so far.
  • Irrigation water for lawn
  • Shoes for 3 Lambs (budgeted 4 pairs each per year-we'll see if we can stick to that few!)
  • Stonesetters fee for 3 Lambs (for January 2017 but pay in 2016-Stonesetters is a day they get to go to learn about the ID legislature, I will blog more about this soon.)
  • Swim Lessons for 3 Lambs
I'm realizing all the extra activities the Lambs do add up when it is times 3 Lambs. They really are at a minimum of activities that we think are important for them to do. They each want to be in more activities and we've said no because of finances but especially because of time. So it's time to budget for all these extra activities instead of being surprised at another $25 fee x 3 Lambs.

My Lambs are typical boys that are rough on their shoes. Add in all the running that they do for track and cross country it seems like someone always needs new shoes. Once one announces they have a hole in their shoe, another Lamb says that their shoes are too small. This usually means that all 3 need their shoes replaced at once. And I thought I was going to get off easy with boys shoes-they don't need several kinds of cute shoes like girls...

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