I was upset because this is the first time I couldn't convince Lamb 1 to wear what I wanted him to wear. I wanted all the boys to wear red today. Lamb 1 said he would only wear red on Sunday or Tuesday. ???? So I dressed Lamb 2 and 3 in red and hoped that Lamb 1 would change his mind when he saw them. He didn't. I knew this day would come, when I couldn't convince Lamb 1 to wear what I wanted him to wear, but I was hoping it wouldn't come yet! In his defense, he has a cold and isn't feeling the best. His nose gets so red from wiping it with a tissue constantly.
Lamb 1 made a Valentine heart in library storytime this morning. He was the only one to pick yellow, the other children chose red or pink. I like sending him to library storytime to make messy things with glitter and not have the mess at home! Ram usually takes him and I get to read books to Lamb 2 by himself while they are gone. Lamb 2 is looking forward to this summer because he'll finally be 3 and allowed to attend. We took Lamb 1 before he turned 3 and when the session ended they nicely told us he wasn't allowed to return until he turned 3.
We only took a few photos tonight, not trying for the perfect one, and this one turned out pretty good for all 3 of them together. Maybe there is hope that we can have all 3 in a photo together!
Lamb 2 and 3
Lamb 3

My parents never celebrated Valentine's Day. They thought it was silly to celebrate one day a year when you love your spouse all year long. Ram thinks it is a big commercial racket. We have not celebrated Valentine's Day either. Ram does surprise me all year long with cards and once and awhile with flowers or a gift he thinks I will like. He did surprise me with a card today though!
I worked with the boys to make homemade valentines this year. We started the beginning of February. We handed out a bunch last Sunday to most of the members of the church that we attend. We also gave a few to people in town here. And of course we mailed some to our close family members. I never expected the church members to appreciate it so much. I think because it was homemade and Lamb 1 handwrote on them they were impressed. So the boys received several valentines back from the ones we gave them to with money or treats.
We didn't make cupcakes or heart shaped cookies like I had planned because I thought the Lambs were getting plenty of sugar from all the treats they received. We did make yummy oatmeal rhubarb muffins and put them in heart cupcake liners to take to Bible Class tomorrow.
I've noticed on other blogs I read others talking about going out to dinner and a movie tonight. First we don't live close enough to a restaurant and a movie to do that. But if we did, I would not go tonight when everything would be crowded. I would celebrate later in the month when it wasn't so crowded. Or personally I would rather have homemade dinner and watch a movie at home!
Others talked about celebrating as a family. Maybe when the Lambs are older we can celebrate like Glenda and have the Lambs cook and serve us dinner. In the meantime, I don't have the energy to cook a fancy supper with candlelight for only one Lamb that MIGHT remember it by next year. We ended up having leftover Groundnut Stew. Thanks to MckMama for the excellent recipe! Everyone loved it and asked for seconds. Ram and I talked about how it didn't even need chicken with all the other yummy things in it. I would highly recommend this recipe!
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