Lamb 1 really wanted a grill. He has been asking about one since September. Every time we go to Once Upon a Child or Goodwill he looks for one. The one he saw in September was just a plain grill. Yesterday we found a talking grill at Goodwill for $4.99! Here's a photo of it.
I didn't know if it would work, but we put new batteries in it and it does. I looked on the Playskool site and they sell a different kind now, they no longer sell this one. Ours came with just the grill, no parts. I'm going to look into if the new grill they sell, if the replacement parts would work with this grill. If not, they already have play hamburger to make.
What is really funny is that we have a real gas grill but it is still in the box, not assembled!
We also found and bought adjustable roller skates for $1.99.
We've all eaten a lot of pretend deluxe cheeseburgers this morning. Lamb 2 baked pretend chocolate chip cookies to eat for dessert with them. Yum!
(I took these photos off of Ebay because they don't make these any more. I'll try to post photos of the Lambs with their grill soon.)
I *love* great Goodwill finds!
What fun! That makes me want to go to Goodwill--Emma needs a doll house! :-)
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