Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Lamb 1 loves to wear ties to church. Most of his are clip on. He received a real tie for Christmas from Ram's parents. We asked some church members to help him tie it. They were unsuccessful. Ram wears clerical collars so he doesn't know how to tie a tie. Neither do I. Finally this past weekend Ram's dad tied it for him. Here he is in his real tie that is too big for him.

Lamb 2 wants to be just like his brother and wear ties to church now too. He had a Christmas tie but he got it dirty a few months ago. We asked Ram's mom to get him a tie. She found a cute outfit at Target. When I went to put the tie on him, it has a loop that goes around the button, it is not clip on or real. I don't think this tie will last very long for a 2 1/2 year old. Plus it is a pain to put on him and it doesn't stay straight.

Here's a photo of them thrilled to be wearing their new ties.
Those of you with boys, where do you buy ties for them? I always hit that section first at Once Upon a Child. Any other good places to shop for boys ties?


Esther said...

CHILDREN'S PLACE! That's where I've always gotten my boys ties--Pam too. They have a great online tie section, and they're often on sale. Plus, you can get them matching! I love when my boys are matchy-matchy.

Dakotapam said...

CHILDRENS PLACE! They have the best ties because they are definitely little boy, not old man looking like so many kid ties are at penneys or wherever, but they are little boy without being babyish, which means my tweens will agree to wear them as well. I like that the little ones are pre tied but fasten around the neck, and then at about size 7 or so, they are untied, ties always look better when hand tied...you'll learn eventually, I'm starting to get it!