Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fall Vacation Day 3 (Sept. 7)

Lamb 1 and 2 stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's house for lunch. Ram and Ewe's sister, Hannah, and Lamb 3 went to a Cuban restaurant for sandwiches. Ewe met her friend Nancy during her lunch hour for lunch. Nancy and Ewe became friends as single gals at church. Since then she has married and has one son a little older than Lamb 1. They homeschool, have a big garden, try to eat healthy, etc. so we had lots to discuss over lunch. She gave me a bag of clothes that her son had outgrown. Lamb 1 and 2 love undershirts and boys can never have too many pants and jeans as they continually make holes in pants. Lamb 1 is already wearing one pair of jeans and I expect the others to fit him in the next year. Thank you Nancy, for thinking of us and sharing the clothes! The lunch hour went quickly before Nancy had to get back to work. We'll have to do lunch again next time we go to Fort Wayne.

Then we stopped to visit/get haircuts at my old hairdresser's shop. She did my hair for my wedding. I had her check the boys' latest haircuts to see how I did. She fixed up Ram's and Lamb 2's a little, Lamb 1 and 3 wouldn't let her touch their heads because that is not their regular hairdresser!

Lamb 3 played while Lamb 2 got his hair cut. I couldn't resist including these two cute photos.

After hair cuts we were near Meijer so we did a little shopping. I loved shopping at Meijer for produce especially but being able to get everything at one place was also nice too. I bought a couple of items that I knew were at Meijer that are more difficult to find here (unless I buy them on the internet). Yes, I packed them with everything else to go home!

We stopped and got Lee's chicken (yum!) and met some friends at a new park (by Parkview North for Fort Wayne natives). Andrew and Suzanne moved to Fort Wayne right after our last visit to Fort Wayne 2 years ago. I knew them from college. The last time I saw them was at their wedding which I believe was 10 years ago. They have two children- Lillia is 3, Micah is 7 months. It was fun to see them with children. It was a little difficult to chat with our kids all going different directions on the playground, especially since Ram and I were outnumbered by one child. It was a very windy night too.

Lillia and Lamb 2

Ram took a bunch of photos and this is actually the one that turned out best. My Lambs did not want to quit playing to take a picture. We knew the sun wasn't right for this photo, but Lamb 1 agreed to have his photo taken here so that is where we had it. It was a fun evening even if the photos don't show it! The playground and park were such a nice area.

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