Friday, February 17, 2012

Busy Thursday

On Wednesday I cleaned the entire house-3 bathrooms, tidying up and vacuuming, cleaning the kitchen and the kitchen floor. I was exhausted at bedtime after that! I decided if I can't clean a 3 bedroom house all in the same day, I won't be able to do a 5 bedroom house. There was no purpose in doing it earlier because the Lambs would have just messed up the house. So it was clean the whole house in one day. I hope I never have to do that again.
7:45am Get up and everyone get dressed
8am Eat egg casserole from crockpot, check e-mail, turn on live video of Rev. Harrison at Congressional Committee hearing
8:45 Drive with 2 Lambs to new house, Ram takes Lamb 3 to preschool
9am Walk through new house, representative from builder explains where things are, how to take care of new house, how to rekey locks, etc. This is standard procedure for this builder, but I was impressed to be given this info.
10am Home, school with Lamb 1 and 2
11am Talk to my sister on the phone about the Congressional hearing since I was unable to watch it live
12pm Ram brings Lamb 3 home, Make and eat lunch
1pm Tidy up house, do dishes, do laundry
2pm Repairman comes to repair some things at our rental house, when he is done inside I took a nap while the Lambs watched a movie
3pm Lambs pick up toys, we get ready to go
3:30pm Ewe takes the Lambs to Target, Ram stays home to meet landlord
4pm One couple comes to look at our rental house, 2 couples did not show up, but the one couple that came liked the house and it seems hopeful that they will rent it. We need someone to rent it so we can get out of our lease early.
Meanwhile Ewe was at Target with Lambs getting a few items and treating the Lambs to a snack at Target cafe. Target did not have something we wanted so we went to Walmart. Lamb 3 was tired and grouchy, Lamb 1 was helpful, and Lamb 2 was a brat. Then we had to drive home in traffic. I kept telling myself all the way home that it is going to be a long time before I take Lamb 2 and 3 shopping again. The worst part was we didn't have much shopping that we had to do, I was just taking the Lambs window shopping for Legos so we could get out of the house while the prospective renters came. Perhaps after living rural where we had long shopping days they can't handle short shopping without a purpose?
5:30pm Get home and Ram is making supper and I had planned to have leftovers. He finished making it and we'll eat another night.
6pm Eat leftovers and have raspberries for dessert leftover from Valentine's Day dessert.
7pm Quickly read a couple of books to Lambs
7:45 Put very tired, grouchy Lambs to bed
8pm Ram finishes his sermon for Sunday; Ewe works on getting info together for taxes (still not done); we listen to Rev. Harrison speak at the Congressional hearing, and we listen to several Issues Etc. broadcasts after listening to Rev. Harrison while we work.
11pm Check e-mail, blog this post, think about how thankful I am that I am LCMS and that we were represented by a well spoken God fearing pastor. Also thankful that Rev. Harrison went and spoke at the Congressional hearing as this issue is so important. Keeping Rev. Harrison, his family, and the staff at the LCMS Synodical office in my prayers as they work so hard and put in an unbelievable amount of hours for us.
12am Finally bed! Hoping to get more tax work done tomorrow so we can take a family field trip on Saturday.

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