Thursday, February 9, 2012

Expensive afternoon

Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment for my thyroid. (Yea! One more doctor found in this new town.) I didn't plan well and we didn't have leftovers. Ram came home for lunch and it was near time for me to leave for the doctor. So we packed everyone up and went to Qdoba for lunch. Everyone eats well there, but feeding 5 isn't cheap there. I took my food and rushed to the doctor while Ram ate at Qdoba with the Lambs.
We are now on a high deductible plan so the doctor bill without lab work (that will be a separate bill) was $283. The money will be direct deposited into our account to reimburse us for this, but in the meantime I had to write a check yesterday.
I had been having trouble with my "key" for our minivan. Ram went to get a new battery and found out it wasn't the battery. They were going to close soon so he has to go back today for a new "key". It will be $250. I just love technology, we didn't have problems unlocking the car with an old fashioned key! So not only do we need to spend $250, but Ram has to make another trip over to the car dealer and the time waiting for them to reprogram the key for our minivan.
The free part of yesterday was Ram took the Lambs to the library for homeschool library time and they checked out a bunch of books while I was at the doctor.
We have budgeted for new house expenses, not afternoons like yesterday!

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