Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sheep Field Trip

About a month ago my friend Joelle invited us to go on a field trip to see a sheep sheared. It ended up being the last field trip this couple did as they are getting too old to host field trips. There were homeschoolers and family friends of this couple there for the last field trip. We read some books about the process of making wool including Charlie Needs a Cloak. Lamb 1 was afraid of their dogs and didn't get too close. Lamb 2 and 3 didn't appreciate the special chance to see this. Farms just aren't doing this very much any more. I thought it was a fabulous opportunity to see all this instead of just reading about it.
Beginning to shear the sheep

Almost done shearing

Lamb 3 with a baby lamb

Lamb 2 with a baby lamb

Lamb 2 feeling how soft the sheep is after shearing

She was so good at showing and telling the kids about what they do with the wool after the sheep is sheared.

Showing how to spin the wool into yarn.

Next we went to their shop and bought a few souvenirs of our field trip including lamb meat which we ate for supper a few weeks later.

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