the cinnamon rolls? The rule in the house is one a day. I will say, "Not Me" (aka Ewe) ate a lot more than the rule. Lamb 1 asked for walnuts and raisins. Lamb 2 asked for just raisins. They were all delicious! Ram even said they tasted better than my mom's! I think that is because we used walnuts AND raisins AND Costco cinnamon (nice quality and huge enough container that we put plenty of cinnamon on them!). My mom makes great cinnamon rolls. All the ones that we took to the fall festival sold right away.
For your info: Lamb 2 has on underwear under his apron. I don't know what happened to his pants! Probably he took them off after playing outside and they never got put back on. I noticed Lamb 1 has outgrown those sweatpants-time to get out the next size! We were so busy baking that I didn't notice this until I looked at the photos!
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