Friday, October 16, 2009

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day

Yesterday was pregnancy and infant loss day. I knew this, but it wasn't until I read a blog yesterday that I remembered it.
When I was pregnant with Lamb 2, it was my third pregnancy because I had a miscarriage between Lamb 1 and 2. It really hit me when I went for my first ultrasound with Lamb 2. One of the first questions the ultrasound technician asked was what number pregnancy this was. I didn't, but I felt like explaining to the technician right there that number two was a miscarriage, not an abortion. The ultrasound should be a very exciting time and I imagine for some women it is very painful. Imagine if you had several miscarriages. Imagine if you had an abortion. It was even sad for me to mention when I had just had one miscarriage. I had lots of ultrasounds with both Lamb 2 and Lamb 3. They thought Lamb 2 had Down's Syndrome and I didn't get very big during pregnancy with Lamb 3 so I had so many ultrasounds that I lost count. If we are blessed to get pregnant with another Lamb, I will have to answer the ultrasound technician that I was pregnant five times after my recent miscarriage. With my history of Lamb 2 and 3, it may be several ultrasounds and several times answering that question.
So yesterday I said extra prayers for women with fertility problems, women who have had a miscarriage, women who had a stillbirth, women who have had a baby who died from SIDS, women who had an infant die, and women who have had an abortion. I also prayed for their families as husbands, siblings, and grandparents of the infant are also affected. I said more prayers for my friends that I know personally that have gone through this.
Also, after my most recent miscarriage, I had two people make comments that I want to share with you here.
1. A LCMS pastor from our circuit said a beautiful prayer with me that mentioned that our baby was baptized in the waters of my womb.
2. I don't know where this quote is from, but a friend shared this with me. She said that Louis Brighton said that we will have that baby waiting for us in heaven where we can raise him in a perfect place. We do not have him here and now but we will have him forever in heaven.
I will end with those two beautiful, comforting thoughts.
HT: MckMama

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