Sunday, September 7, 2014


We read a book about Bach from the series Getting to Know the World's Greatest Composers by Mike Venezia. At the beginning of the book he writes: "A special thanks to the Music Department at Grace Lutheran Church and School in River Forest, Illinois, especially Dr. Richard Hillert and Mr. John Fokening".

So I spent a few minutes talking to the Lambs about how it was a good idea to go to the Lutherans for info about Bach. I also talked about how I had met Dr. Hillert when he was part of a music camp at River Forest when I was in high school. At bedtime I remembered that Dr. Hillert wrote "This is the Feast" in our hymnal. They thought all this was pretty neat. After they went to bed I looked up Dr. Hillert in our hymnal and saw how much he contributed to our LSB.

Next the Lambs wanted to know if I knew the author of the book or Mr. John Fokening. Sorry, Lambs, I do not.

I'm not sure the Lambs learned anything about Bach that they did not already know before we read this book, but we did enjoy remembering Dr. Hillert.

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