Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Our Family Schedule Part 2

1pm Lambs and Ewe thank you notes, make cards, etc. (The goal is at least one per school day, Lambs make them and Ewe gets them in the mail.)
3:15pm Tea Time
3:30pm Board game/card game/puzzle time
4pm Rest Time
5pm Make supper, eat, clean up
6:30pm Family reading time
7pm Get ready for bed, Brush and floss teeth, Prayers
(Kyrie, Creed, Lord’s Prayer, Hymn, I am Jesus Little Lamb, Now the Light has Gone Away, Luther’s Evening Prayer)
Lambs Silent READING time until 8pm
8pm Lambs bed time
10pm Ram and Ewe Compline and bed time

*The Lambs complain about 8pm bedtime but they really need it because we want an early start the next day. 

*10pm bed time is necessary for an early start time the next day, but difficult as we have gotten into the habit of Ram watching the news while Ewe finishes housework and then making and eating a bedtime snack and not getting to bed until 11 or 11:30.

*These are the scheduled times, any times not mentioned the Lambs are free to play. 

1 comment:

Jody said...

Are your boys interested in penpals?