Thursday, August 13, 2009


Ram is actually 6'3. The photo in Wordless Wednesday from yesterday was taken at a playground at a public school in Long Prairie, MN. It makes me real confident in the public schools that the children are playing by a sign with incorrect heights!
We didn't intend to make yesterday Ram's day off but that's what happened. Our bank had a swimming night. We still had to pay ($19-yikes-a donation to the local pool!) but their mascot was there and they had a snack for the kids. So we thought we would go swimming early and if we were still there when the bank people came, fine, if not then we didn't miss much. Unfortunately the pool is closed during the supper hour and we didn't know that. We got there just as they were closing.
We were supposed to do this park program this summer-going to 7 local parks and doing activities at each one. I took the Lambs to 1 park so far this summer. Between spraining my foot at the beginning of the summer and all our vacations, we just didn't get to the parks. So we decided to go to the pool and then to one park. We changed our plans when the pool was closed. We went to a park, then we went and ordered a pizza, then we went to a park while we waited for the pizza, then we went to a third park and ate the pizza. So now we have completed the activities at 4 out of the 7 parks. We have a little less than 2 weeks to finish the program. They will have a party then and the Lambs will get prizes if they finish the program. The bad part about this lack of planning was I had not worn the right shoes, just old sandals for the pool. But we survived even walking some trails.
Then we went to the pool. None of the Lambs were scared of the mascot like they have been other times. I was amazed at how much easier this trip to the pool was compared to last year. We just stayed in the baby pool, but none of the Lambs needed much help. This is compared to last year when a nice lady held Lamb 3, Lamb 1 needed constant attention, and Lamb 2 almost drowned in the baby pool when we were right next to him. After tonight, I might even be brave enough to take the Lambs swimming next week on the free night without Ram. Then the bank gave out peanut butter cracker snacks that were a great hit with all the Lambs, especially Lamb 3.
I told the Lambs a few months ago that today was the local swimming day this summer. I was afraid after I told them that it might be too cold or rainy. We were blessed to have the perfect day to go swimming-95 degrees. In fact it was a few degrees warmer here, than in SC where my sister lives!

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