Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week 2 and 3 School Report

We accomplished enough school that I'm willing to say that we did 2 weeks of school so far in October. Here's what we accomplished these two weeks:
Bible: Memorized 1 Timothy 1:15, Did Bible stories Moses and the Burning Bush; Moses and the Plaques; The Passover; Crossing the Red Sea; and God Provides Manna, Water, and Quail.
Reading: We read several Enid Blyton stories aloud. We are almost finished reading all the Blyton that we own.
Handwriting: Lamb 1 began a review of his uppercase letters in a Kumon book. It is too easy for him, but I want him to review and make sure he knows the correct way to make all the letters. We're thankful Grandma gave us so many Kumon books! Lamb 1 also did a lot of his own "very important" writing. He asked to spell several words for his own writing. Lamb 1 also did a little spelling.
Lamb 2 finished his first tracing book. He was much improved in holding a pencil and staying on the line by the end of the book as compared to the beginning. He began a Kumon Numbers book which is mainly learning to write the numbers. He couldn't have done this Kumon Numbers book a few months ago, the tracing book paid off to help him with numbers now.
Science: Read Under One Rock-Bugs, Slugs and other Ughs, current National Geographic Little Kids, began current National Geographic Kids, current Wild Animal Baby, and began a Jungle Sticker Book (put stickers in book and read about jungle animals)
Music: Listened to Beethoven, more Bach, and Tchaikovsky.
Art: We made some crafty thank you notes.
Math: Lamb 1 finished MUS lesson 27 and began lesson 28.
Lamb 2 finished his 1-10 dot to dot book and began a 1-20 dot to dot book.
Other: While the weather was nice they played outside a lot, especially while I hung a lot of clothes out to dry and I was outside with them then too. Grandpa helped them fly a kite one day. The Lambs did a lot of chores especially cleaning up their toys and taking out the trash/recycling without help. I did a lot of baking (muffins, cookies, etc.) and cooking and they often helped. We read a book from the Sheriff that we received a few weeks ago and talked about some safety things like 911. We still need to work on memorizing our address and phone number, but that's difficult because there aren't any street signs and if you say you live in our town everyone knows where you live.

We aren't accomplishing all the school subjects while Ram is recovering. I am in "survival mode" right now doing what is necessary and not extras. They miss art and Latin and our other subjects. This week I hope to do some study of Reformation and also carve pumpkins and make cut out cookies and other fun fall activities. We'll see what we can accomplish this week. I think of everything I did in the classroom in October and I would love to do all that with my Lambs. Last year we were sick in the fall and this year Ram is recovering. Maybe next year...

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