Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy Birthday to Ewe!

I have a few photos to post from my birthday. It is very different from the many photos I want to post when a Lamb has a birthday!
Lamb 1 and my mom decorated my birthday cake after supper on Saturday night. It looked too delicious to wait another day to eat it. So they sang "Happy Birthday" and we ate it the night before my birthday. It was yummy!
My sister called at 12:30am (1:30 if the time hadn't changed) to wish me Happy Birthday. She has not given us a phone number to call her except for emergencies so I can't even get her back on her birthday next week. I was sleeping too soundly to have a response for her.
Sunday I took cut up fruit to share at Sunday School. When I taught in the classroom I always took cupcakes. I didn't want my Lambs to have more sugar after Halloween candy and birthday cake at home. I knew the other mom at church didn't want her kids to have more sugar. Lamb 1 and 2 and the two other kids in Sunday School loved the fruit. They had many helpings. The mom was so glad that I brought fruit. It was also a nice treat because the time had changed and our church is at 11am so they were ready for lunch before church. Lamb 3 and the youngest child from the other family didn't want the fruit. Oh well, 4 children were happy with "birthday fruit".
We observed All Saints' Day at church. Ram picked the hymns for November in a hurry before his surgery. He forgot to pick All Saints' Day hymns for yesterday. The Lambs had practiced "For All the Saints" but it wasn't picked. The organist happened to play it for preservice music so the Lambs sang along. We did sing some other All Saints' Day hymns. Those hymns are some of my favorite hymns because they are so comforting.
After church we opened presents and ate a fast lunch. There was a funeral at the church next door yesterday afternoon. Another pastor did the funeral since Ram isn't up to that yet. We took a nap and then we went to the funeral luncheon. They had more than they expected at the funeral so there wasn't much food left. The Lambs had a sandwich. I helped them clean up and do dishes. The Lambs went home to play outside in the beautiful weather.
We called Ram's mom and then we all (including my parents) headed to a restaurant over the border in SD. We had enough people that our appetizer was free and my birthday meal was free. The Lambs received free sundaes because it was Sunday. It was steak night so my dad and I had "all you can eat" steak. It was a nice birthday dinner. We hadn't been out to eat there for several months so it was a real treat. It was a good birthday weekend.
Ram gave me my present early. I used it to cook dinner on Saturday night. if you want one of your own!

Ram's mom gave me this cute apron and many other gifts. (Ignore the messy background including the palm leaves on the picture on the wall.)

Ram's mom always gives one gift to everyone in the family that doesn't have a birthday. The Lambs received park ranger vests. They don't even know what a park ranger is, but they wore these for a long time yesterday while they were playing.

1 comment:

Hannah Banana from Indiana said...

How am I supposed to ignore your cute antlers? Ha ha.