Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 7 School Report

Monday we had a big shopping day, the first time our family all went shopping since before Ram's surgery, so since September. We had school Tuesday-Friday. Saturday we had a day of running errands; Ewe cut Ram, Lamb 2, and Lamb 3's hair; and taking it easy before Ram's first Sunday back for 3 church services. We will have school on Monday. We will take a Thanksgiving break for the rest of the week because Ram's parents will be here. I can't believe today is the last Sunday of the church year and Advent begins next Sunday. I feel like I lost 2 months in 2010-oh yeah, we did lose 6 weeks while Ram recovered!
Here's what we accomplished last week:
Bible: Memorized 2 Timothy 4:18. Did the Bible stories of Wise Men, John prepares the way, Baptism of Jesus, and Jesus Calls the first disciples.
Reading: We read a lot of books this week. I'm just pulling them off the shelf and reading them. So this week we read a lot by Eric Carle, Margaret Wise Brown, and Jan Brett. I am also trying to involve Lamb 1 more in reading words that he knows while I read aloud.
Handwriting: Lamb 2 continues to work on his numbers in his Kumon book-big improvement over the last 7 school weeks!
Art: Lamb 1 continues to work on his Kumon drawing book.
Music: Listened to Bach and Yo Yo Ma.
Math: Lamb 1 began Saxon math 2. It has more writing (days of week, months of year, etc.) than Alpha MUS did. He is capable of doing more writing in math, he just doesn't want to. We only did it one week, but I'm pleased with Saxon. Perhaps it is because I used Saxon in the classroom so I can teach Saxon math 1 or 2 easily. I require Lamb 1 to write the entire date out (Sunday, November 21, 2010) so that is part of the writing that he doesn't like, but I think is good for him.
Both Lambs worked on their dot to dot books. I plan to begin Alpha MUS with Lamb 2 when he finishes the Kumon numbers book.
The Lambs chose MUS blocks to play with one day this week. It was interesting to watch and listen to them play with math blocks during play time. Lamb 1 decided to build a house out of the blocks and then the people were other blocks. The people were the same age as their blocks-the baby was a 2 block, boy was 6 block, etc.
Other: The Lambs watched Charlie Brown Thanksgiving twice.
Ewe tried cooking two of our family favorite recipes-borscht and dal. Ram always made those before. Ewe was successful!
We also did some cleaning/organizing after Ewe's parents were here before Ram's parents come next week. The dining room table is completely cleared off which only happens once or twice a year. Ewe is trying a new system for organizing paperwork and I'm hoping the dining room table at least stays free from Thanksgiving to Christmas so we can eat there for both holidays. I'm hoping if I start with a small goal like this, perhaps the clear table will last longer than Christmas.
Ewe organized our library-everything besides theology books-cradle of books, two bookshelves in the Lamb's room, 8 bookshelves in the library, 1 bookshelf of cookbooks, 1 new bookshelf with parenting and housekeeping type books. We could use another bookshelf, but it is nice to not have overflowing bookshelves now.

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