Monday, September 26, 2011

Random updating post

1. Ram will announce his decision on the Call this Sunday. He will not visit the congregation before his decision.
2. I attended a presentation by MCCL tonight. Ram was nice enough to put the Lambs to bed for me to attend. Before the meeting I thought I was pretty up to date on what was happening. There were facts given at this meeting that are horrifying for the direction America is taking. We need to keep the unborn, disabled, and elderly in our prayers. I will probably be posting some of what I learned in future posts. In the meantime feel free to check out their website.
3. Since Lamb 1 was born I have always had an extra laundry basket sitting in my laundry room-when there was something with stains or something that needed to be washed separately I would throw it in there. I am happy to report that it took me 7 1/2 years, but I finally completed all the clothing in that basket. It was full last week and I tackled one piece at a time. The ones with stains I washed with normal soap and then hung them on the line outside for about 3 days in this beautiful sunshine we have had. I was amazed that without any stain remover almost all those stains were bleached by the sun. It feels good to have that completed. Hopefully the Lambs didn't outgrow them before I put them back in their drawers!
4. Our family worked outside together all afternoon on Saturday. The weather was beautiful and we got a lot of yardwork done. Ram borrowed a pick up truck and took several loads up to the dump. We also cut bushes and tore out the garden. All the Lambs helped and it feels so good to have our yard ready for winter.
5. Our calendar is full right now and it seems everyone I talk to has the same busy schedule. Ram has done weddings in the area, but this Saturday he will do his first wedding at one of our three churches. The bride is the first confirmand he had. Our family is so excited to go to her wedding and reception. That is where we live-in 8 1/2 years he did so many funerals that I lost count but only one wedding. The end of this week will be very busy getting ready for that, which reminds me I should give the Lambs and Ram haircuts soon too.

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