Friday, January 17, 2014

Lamb 2's Day

We couldn't believe that a name similar to Lamb 2's name came up the same week as Ewe's name day at Flying Pie Pizza. We asked if names had to be exact and they said as long as they weren't busy they would let Lamb 2 participate. It ended up that the employee that helped Lamb 2 had the same name as Lamb 2 so he was extra generous and extra patient. They did end up being busy when we went, but not with others that had the same name so Lamb 2 was able to make his pizza. He chose as many different kinds of cheese and toppings as he was allowed. It was a really good pizza and both Ram and Ewe broke their diet to have some. But we have all had too much pizza this week and we can see in Lamb 2's behavior that he had too much gluten, so we'll be eating at home mostly gluten free again now. Thank you Flying Pie Pizza for two great It's My Name Days this week!

Lamb 2 chose the St. Nick hat that Lamb 3 chose last time.

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