Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lamb 3's birthday

Well, our whole family all went down to the local cafe this morning to watch Lamb 3 on TV along with many of our church members that were there for breakfast. Lamb 3 was the only birthday today on TV. I don't think it is posted on the Internet yet, but it should be here later today. Lamb 3 wasn't interested in breakfast. He just wanted to run around and show off what a good walker he is.

If you are looking at this today (4/2/09), take a look at Lamb 3's Lilypie ticker on my sidebar. I forgot to look at it on our anniversary, but I remembered to look at it for Lamb 1's birthday.

We opened presents this morning before we went to the cafe. The Lambs received lots of play food for their play kitchen. Lamb 1 has been cooking for me since we came home from the cafe. Lamb 3 enjoyed playing with the boxes more than the presents.

Ram has to go to Ladies Aid this afternoon and I'm not sure how else we will celebrate after he gets home. We did bake cupcakes on Tuesday so I'm sure we'll eat those!

1 comment:

Esther said...

Happy Birthday, Lamb 3! Have a fun day!