Some of my blog friends have done 7 quick takes Friday several times. Here is my first try.
1. I finished wrapping and mailed the last of our Christmas gifts to our family early this week. I finished even with a hurt finger. It felt good to send the last box off. The last photos I ordered for our Christmas cards arrived this week. I plan to write our Christmas letter early next week and hopefully send the cards near Christmas.
2.The Christmas presents from Ram's parents arrived yesterday. We plan to put our tree up on Monday. We put them in our guest bedroom since we don't have a tree up yet. We are not procrastinating-we like to celebrate Advent before Christmas. We will leave our tree up until January 9 this year as we are hosting an Epiphany party for the area pastors on January 8. I've been working with the Lambs to try to clean up clutter so we have room for the tree and decorations!
3. Lamb 3 is getting more teeth. I don't remember Lamb 1 and 2 having such a tough time with teeth. His bottom is always bright red when he gets teeth too. So both his teeth and his bottom hurt. I don't think he's been sleeping well and he looked sleepy all day yesterday.
4. Ram and I will celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary on Dec. 29. His schedule is pretty free for a few days then so we're trying to decide what we want to do. Our plans include bringing the boys along-no family to babysit. We will probably go 3 hours away and stay at a hotel one night, go out to eat a few times, and fit some shopping in too.
5. I went to the doctor on Wednesday for my finger. Of course nothing is easy for me. X-ray showed it's not obviously broken, but there could be a small chip off the bone that my doctor couldn't see. My doctor is waiting for another doctor 1 1/2 hours away to look at it. In the meantime she gave me a splint with the idea that it would be a reminder not to overdo it with my finger (she also has small children so knew I couldn't go without using a finger until it healed). It actually has been the opposite-I am able to do a lot more with my splint that was too painful without the splint. Typing is much easier! It is still not completely healed, but it is a lot better than earlier this week. The doctor reminded me that being stuck in a garage door was traumatic for the finger and it will take awhile to heal.
6. Our babysitter is coming today. We've taken turns being sick so she hasn't been here for a few weeks. I'm looking forward to getting some projects done and the boys are looking forward to playing.
7. Sunday will be busy for us. Sunday School, church, Christmas Eve program practice, potluck with birthday cake for Jesus, home for a short time, Christmas program at second church, and then second potluck. Last year weather canceled all that year's events. Snow is predicted Saturday night. We are hoping we don't repeat last year. I'll be busy on Saturday making food for 2 potlucks. Hopefully the weather won't cancel the potlucks after I make the food!
Wow, 7 goes fast! Be sure to check out conversiondiary.com to see more 7 quick takes.
Seven does go fast, doesn't it? I could usually do 9 or 10! Hope the weather holds for you--we're not supposed to get any until Christmas Day. Blessings on your weekend!
I love my seven quick takes. Matt does not get it and won't read mine...he's actually missing a lot!
I hope your finger heals up...waht a bother! Have a fun anniversary...if I was able to travel I'd suggest you go to Fargo and I could meet you there...I will be off bedrest almost by then, but I won't be leaving the city limits:) I think Matt is hoping for two tax write offs!
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