Monday, March 1, 2010

Commercials on TV

Ram's dad was nice enough to tape (to DVD) the 2010 Rose Bowl Parade for us. Lamb 2 was sick with a cold so we didn't go to church yesterday. I thought it was a good chance for the Lambs to watch the parade. They thought it was really cool that Grandpa had a title page on the DVD. 2010 Rose Bowl Parade for Lamb 1, Lamb 2, and Lamb 3 from Grandpa.
We watched the first section and then there were commercials. I told the Lambs they were allowed to go play or take a break during commercials and I would let them know when the parade was back on. Then we watched the second section. When we got to the second set of commercials, Lamb 1 asked a lot of questions about commercials. I could have fast forwarded the commercials but I didn't want to mess with it, plus the Lambs needed a little break during the long parade. When it came time for the parade to be back on, the Lambs didn't want to watch any more parade. They had enjoyed the parade, but not the commercials!
The Lambs watch movies, but we don't have TV. Even before we gave up TV last year, the Lambs rarely watched TV and when they did they watched PBS without commercials. Ram and I watched the Super Bowl commercials on the internet after the Lambs went to bed.

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