Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

When we talked to our family on the phone they were surprised that we had no plans for Labor Day Weekend. Here's what happened.
Last Monday Ewe had to have a toenail removed. Disgusting story, but doctor was very glad to see the problem was just the toenail, not my toe. I figured I would have to be off my feet for a few days so I prepared for that the week before. The week before I did a ton of yardwork, gardening, cleaning (both garages, clean out cars, clean up basement, etc. in addition to regular cleaning), and canning (pickled beets and pickle relish). This last week I did things I could do sitting down-made photo books, sent photos to Snapfish, worked on going through some boxes of papers etc., paid bills, and got birthday and other cards ready to send. I got the Lambs started going through some of their things (papers and other treasures) and keeping some important to them and pitched the rest. I was doing work this week, but it wasn't the heavy work of the week before. I wasn't bored, but it was definitely a different kind of work. I felt lazy even though I was still working.
The toenail is healing and every day I tried to do a little more. The doctor said I didn't ever need to be off my feet, just to do what my body told me to do. So by this weekend I was ready to do work again. Our garden did half well and I needed to take care of those veggies. I did dishes, laundry, put tomatoes in the freezer, made applesauce and we ate a bunch right away and I froze the rest, put beets in the freezer, and shredded zucchini and put it in the freezer.
Over the long weekend we talked to all of our family on the phone or Skype-my sister, her fiance, Ram's grandma, and both sets of our parents. We grilled out on Labor Day.
I did some planning and made copies to teach Sunday School this fall for Lamb 3 and a little girl his age. I did some planning and made some copies for homeschool. We begin all school subjects today.
Lamb 1 turned 7 1/2 on Labor Day so he picked a dessert for me to make. He chose blueberry pie so I got a couple of bags of the blueberries he helped pick in July out of the freezer. Everyone except Lamb 3 was glad he picked that dessert!
So no, we didn't go anywhere or get together with friends or do any big projects over Labor Day weekend. It was a regular weekend with church, lots of times for the Lambs to play outside in this nice weather, and Ewe to get some work done around the house.

1 comment:

Joelle said...

you did waaaaay more than I did this past weekend, and I wasn't healing up from anything! Glad your toe is donig well.