Sunday, May 31, 2009

Things are looking up

Today was a better day. I took the boys to church. I figured out Ram could help me load Lamb 3 in the car between services. We got to church really early, but the Sunday School teacher helped me get everyone inside. The boys were able to be there for the last Sunday School before summer break. After church we had a little presentation for the teachers and students so I was glad they were able to be there. It was really hard to keep Lamb 2 and 3 in the pew with my injured foot. Ram brought communion to me in the pew. Ram helped me load everyone up after church. Thank goodness for cruise control and for power sliding doors on the van!
My foot feels some better. I still can't walk on it, but with the shoe from the doctor, I can put a little pressure on it now. I'm hoping to be able to walk on it in a few days.
Tonight we went out to eat at our favorite restaurant in the area. It was the last day to use Lamb 2's birthday coupon. I did fine with my crutches and we had a nice meal.
When we got home from supper we called Ram's parents and figured out our trip to CA and then we ordered the plane tickets. So I can check that off my to-do list.

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