The town 7 miles away had a visit your local parks kick-off today. We have all summer to visit and do activities at 7 parks. Then they will have party in August and give prizes to the children that complete the activities.

We made clay tiles after collecting items on a nature hike. The sun was in their eyes so it was a little difficult. They asked if they could make a second one, because they enjoyed it so much. We also planted morning glory seeds to take home.

It was chilly, in the 40s. Lamb 3 had a difficult time being top heavy and trying to walk in his coat. He just wanted to be held until we put him in the stroller while we were eating a picnic lunch and he went to sleep. I don' think he will be our nature lover-but maybe when it is warmer, he will be.

Lamb 1 and 2 with Papa on their walk after lunch.

I wanted to take a photo of the Lambs at each park we go to. Lamb 1 was upset because he didn't get to jump over the stream so he refused to be in the photo. He finally asked to have his photo taken by himself when he realized we weren't going back to the stream. But I didn't get a photo of the Lambs together besides this one.
We'll be busy this summer doing the activities at the local parks. It should be fun. I like that is is free! Look for more photos on my blog of the parks that we visit this summer. Hopefully it will be warmer when we visit more parks.
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