I am very far behind on posting our family photos. Ram and I can't figure out how to download photos from our new camera-we keep getting the message that our photos are too large. I have plenty of photos that were taken before we received our new camera, but after our computer broke. First I'll post photos of our country church going to the nursing home to carol on December 10. First we had a little program in the dining room after the residents ate supper. Ram read the Christmas story from the Bible and we sang hymns.

Can you tell Lamb 3 is our baby, with the most photos taken of him?

Then we went to the hospital and nursing home and caroled through the halls for those that were unable to come to the dining room. Lamb 2 loves to sing
Hark the Herold Angels Sing so we sang that several times. Finally we went to the assisted living apartments and sang several Christmas carols and asked what their favorites were and sang those for them. One of our members was so appreciative that our boys came to the apartments to see her.

After all that caroling we went downstairs to our meeting room and had a short Ladies Aid meeting before our Christmas party. A few people had brought real food which I appreciated for my boys to not just have sweets. Each of us brought 2 dozen Christmas cookies to share. The Lambs ate their fill of cookies (and their fill is a lot!).
It was an enjoyable evening for our family and we brought some joy to the residents. I am thankful that we homeschool and we are able to do activities like this because it would have been way too late of a night if we would have had to get Lamb 1 up for school the next morning.
Hopefully we can figure out our new camera because I have lots of photos to post!
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