After FRED the other night I asked Ram to pick up a pizza from Pizza Ranch. I didn't expect the provided meal to be enough for the Lambs and definitely not enough for Ram. The last few times we have had pizza I'm always surprised that a large is not enough to feed our family of 5 with 3 hungry BOYS. It was ok because they had already had supper at FRED. I don't know how people eat out and afford to feed their family like that all the time. We actually rarely get take out like that because Subway, Dairy Queen, and Pizza Ranch are the only choices and they are 7 miles away. After we finished the large pizza, Lamb 2 asked if we could make homemade pizza. Lamb 1 replied that we didn't want to have pizza two nights in a row. Ram replied that homemade pizza tasted a lot different and a lot better than Pizza Ranch pizza. So last night we made pizza.

Can you tell Lamb 2 just threw his toppings on? He was done making his pizza a long time before Lamb 1 was done.

Lamb 1 took forever to make his pizza. He made "streets" of olives, then mushrooms, then onions, etc. on his pizza. I was so glad when he was finally done that I forgot to take more pictures of him like I did Lamb 2.

I remembered to take a picture of Lamb 1's pizza after it was baked but you can't tell very well where his streets are at. Lamb 1 doesn't like melted cheese so you can tell a little better on his half. He likes grated cheese so he puts that on his pizza after it is baked though.

Lamb 1

Lamb 3

Lamb 2

Thankfully when we make homemade pizza we make two pizzas and there are lots of leftovers. I can't imagine how many pizzas we will have to make when they are teenagers though!
We don't eat out much! Actually...dh and I go out to lunch while the boys are at school every few weeks. It is a nice date, and our favorite Chinese restaurant has lunches for $5 and under...The girls will be pleasant lunch mates for a while:) Otherwise, if we take the whole family to a sit down place like Olive Garden etc. it costs us the same for one meal as I spend on groceries for a week!!!! If I happen to be out with just one boy...I tend to treat him to a fast food meal.
this is adorable,(just had to read about pizza after visiting Abbastories) and making streets, wow how ingenious,that's taking playing with your food to a new higher level..we made pizza's too when our kids were still at home.. feeding 3 growing boys, oh best start putting some pizza's "by" :-) many blessings for a great day
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