Tuesday, June 8, 2010

CA trip day 1

We flew to Los Angeles on May 24. Ram sat by Lamb 3 and I had the other 2 Lambs. We had driven 3 1/2 hours to the airport that morning so all 3 Lambs were tired by the time we got on that plane. I felt sorry for Ram trying to get Lamb 3 to stay in his seat and not holding him the first time he flew with his own seat. Soon Lamb 3 fell asleep and Ram was able to do quite a bit of reading on this flight. I had 2 Lambs that only did one activity for 5-10 minutes and then needed help getting the next item out of their backpack for the entire 4 hour flight. Lamb 1 never slept and Lamb 2 only slept a little at the end of the flight. I was exhausted by the end of that flight. When we landed it took quite a while for us to finally come to a complete stop at the gate-it's a huge airport. Poor Lamb 3 just didn't understand and kept saying, "DONE". Lamb 3 slept a good portion of the 4 hour flight

Can you guess where we ate lunch?

The Lambs were so happy to arrive at Great Grandma's house and be allowed to run around her small backyard.
Lamb 3 was rested up and ready to "RUN".

While they were in the backyard one of the first things they asked was if they could pick oranges. They remembered picking oranges off Grandma's tree in her backyard from the last time we visited 2 years ago. The woman that lives with Great Grandma was nice enough to cut the oranges up for the Lambs. She didn't know what she was getting into because she had to cut up oranges every day we were there once she started!

Lamb 2 loves orange juice!
On this first day, the Lambs helped make orange juice which they enjoyed. We didn't make orange juice every day we were there, but we brought some oranges home with us.
We brought KFC and enjoyed eating at Grandma's house. We were happy to get back to the hotel and to bed after our long day.

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