Thursday, February 13, 2014

Lego Movie

We took the Lambs to one of the first showings of the Lego Movie on Friday. I was pleased that it was not a 1 1/2 hour commercial to buy more Legos. The Lambs would like to purchase the movie when it is released so they can see it again, but they aren't asking for Legos after seeing it. I was mildly concerned about the theology after seeing previews talking about a prophecy. That part turned out different than the previews showed but I can't say more or I would spoil the movie for those of you who have not seen it yet. I thought there were great themes of team work, hard work, and creativity. The song that stuck in our head afterwards says, "Everything is awesome". The only thing the Lambs have repeated this past week that I didn't like was a line that says "dang it" as we don't allow our Lambs to say that. I know there could be a lot worse lines to repeat.

One of the Loopers alerted me to this article by Mollie Hemingway. Her review was exactly what I saw in the movie.

Lamb 3's review of the movie today for his speech teacher was very interesting for me. He talked about which Lego people and kinds of Legos he recognized in the movie. He talked about going to the movie theater for the first time. He didn't talk about the plot or what happened in the movie at all. Perhaps the movie writers should interview the 5 year olds to see what they think before they write another script.

Have you taken your children to the Lego Movie yet?

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