Sunday, September 27, 2009

You know you live in a rural area when...

I heard the Lambs while they were playing cars. Lamb 1 invited Lamb 2 to come to the play mat to play cars. They started out playing on their own on separate parts of the mat. Then Lamb 1 invited Lamb 2 to come to his part of the mat. Lamb 2 asked, "Is it far?" Lamb 1 said, "No." I looked and it was on the complete other side of the mat. When I questioned Lamb 1, he said, "This isn't far. I could have asked him to go way over there, off the mat." Then Lamb 2 started asking questions that were in his frame of reference-Is it farther than the town 7 miles away? Is it farther than the 1 1/2 hour drive we normally do for grocery shopping? Is it farther than the 3 hours for major shopping? Is it farther than Grandma and Grandpa's?

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