Sunday, April 11, 2010

26th and 27th Week of School Report

We took a short Easter break so I am posting about 2 weeks of school this time.
Week 26: Ewe went to the doctor on Monday so no school, we had school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. We took a break on Good Friday and Holy Saturday. The last ECFE was on Tuesday and the theme was "the world". On Saturday we went to a parade to welcome home the troops and also celebrated Lamb 3's birthday.
Week 27: We went to see an author on Monday, we had school every other day this week. Lamb 1 and 2 began Spanish class on Tuesday. On Saturday we tried to go to library storytime but they canceled it because no one had been showing up for so long.
Math: Lamb 1 finished MUS lesson 16 and began lesson 17. He is getting to more difficult addition problems and the challenge is good for him.
Handwriting: We took a break from handwriting. I tried to keep school short during Holy Week.
Reading: We continue to read aloud My Book House volume 3. We read Papa Piccolo and Cranberry Thanksgiving (FIAR) but we didn't do any activities with them. We made cranberry bread. We did not start memorizing any new poems.
Phonics and Religion: We took a break from both of these.
Spanish: We are learning numbers and colors. We are not doing Latin during the month of April while we were working on Spanish. We played Uno several times at home.
Science and History: We took a break from both of these.
Music: We continue to read from The Story of the Orchestra and listen to the CD section with it. We are listening and learning about brass instruments now.
Art: They painted at ECFE and at Spanish. The author we went to see taught them how to draw some animals. Lamb 1 has been practicing what she taught them.
Author: We went to see Nancy Carlson speak. She did a great job talking about what an author and illustrator does. I'll try to have another post about this soon. I was glad to take the Lambs on a real field trip as our rural area doesn't have many chances like this.
With our long weekend break, it seems like we didn't have much school. It has been beautiful weather so I also wanted the Lambs to play outside as much as possible. We'll try to get back into our routine this week.

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