Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Being a rural pastor's wife post #27

Thank you to all who commented on my last post. It is clear to me that even some of you in bigger towns have difficulties with the library. Others appreciate their library more after reading my post.
Recently Loopers discussed Sunday School so I thought I would tell how our family handles Sunday School. In our tri-parish there is only one church that has children near the ages of the Lambs, so that is the church that I attend during the school year so the Lambs can go to Sunday School.
First there is a Sunday School opening which is very simple but nice. I take Lamb 3 to this even though he is not old enough for Sunday School. It has invocation (children do sign of cross), a Bible verse (their memory work) to focus on, sing a hymn (work on about 1 hymn a month), children take turns taking the offering (which goes to Lutheran Island Camp), sing "We Give Thee But Thine Own" during offering, prayer (usually repeat after teacher), and then they go to their class. The Lambs love the routine of the opening. Lamb 1 and 2 are in a class with one other boy their age. There is one more class with just one girl in it (unless we have visitors). I'm not sure what we will do when Lamb 3 is old enough for Sunday School (next fall) plus there is another girl about his age. Sometimes Lamb 2 is a little young for the activities (especially reading or writing) so the teacher assistant helps him more than Lamb 1 and the other boy in class. They use CPH materials. I have been very impressed with the recent CPH materials-they are nothing like CPH materials when I was in Sunday School! (Disclaimer-I'm a little bias since Deaconess Nielsen's daughter was in my second grade class-but they really are great materials.) We often listen to the Sunday School CDs on the way to church too.
The Lambs have a wonderful Sunday School teacher that is so patient with the little ones and has always been their Sunday School teacher. She is over 80 years old and does a wonderful job. I can't imagine teaching a class of all boys. There is another woman that assists her and they sometimes have a sub when one of those two women can't be there. I am so thankful that these church members still serve by teaching Sunday School even though they are older. Most Sundays they also get a treat-either tied to the lesson (example: grapes when they talk about the Promised Land) or homemade. The Lambs love Sunday School, their teachers, and the treats! I know our Sunday School is small, but I'm so glad that the Lambs are being taught their Bible stories. Sunday School is before church even when the rotation is middle service so Sunday School is pretty early considering we have to drive out to the country.
Sadly one of our churches is very willing to continue having Sunday School but no kids attend. The other church has Sunday School but the kids that attend are much older than our Lambs. We are thankful that there is another family at the one church with children near the ages of the Lambs for them to attend Sunday School together.
I still have a few more topics for this rural pastor's wife series that will be continued soon.

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