Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Almost 7

I will try to get back to the rural pastor's wife series. I'm sorry for the interruption, but Lamb 1 turns 7 on Saturday. I wanted to post these two posts from last year. First, this was what I posted before his birthday last year. This is what I posted on his 6th birthday.

I was 7 years old when my sister was born so I remember that birthday and being 7. It is difficult for me to believe that Lamb 1 is that same age! Even though I say that, I'm not sad that he is turning 7. I'm excited about what my firstborn will look forward to in the coming years. Don't even mention that Lamb 2 is turning 5 in a few months though...

Recently Lamb 1 has become very good at reading easy readers. He loves to read to his brothers. He won't admit that he likes to read to me in homeschool, but you can tell that he enjoys it. It's amazing to me that this seemed to just happen one day after a few years of phonics and prereading work. He loves being a big brother and is particularly patient with Lamb 3. He is our serious Lamb and some times it's tough for others (not including his immediate family) to break into that shell.

Lamb 1 is requesting a few things for his birthday-breakfast-monkey bread recipe from the cooking class he recently took, lunch Texas Caviar, supper homemade pizza. He's talked about chocolate sheet cake, but that could change before Saturday.

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