Thursday, August 26, 2010

Beets me!

I was beat when I finally tumbled into bed last night. Here is what I accomplished.

Washed and hung to dry all of the Lambs bedding
Washed a load of diapers
Hung all that on the line to dry
Hurried to take all that off the line so grass didn't get on the clothes when the lawn was mowed
Sorted what was dry and folded it and what had to be put in the dryer because it wasn't dry
Folded the load from the dryer
Remade all 3 Lamb beds

Wrote a blog post about Laura Ingalls Wilder part 2
Couldn't figure out the new blogger editor so deleted the first part 2 blog post and rewrote it
Wrote this blog post

Supervised Lamb 1 cleaning out his paperwork (important to him!) for 1/2 hour

Cleaned the spots on the Lambs carpet
Set up a fan and opened all the windows in the house because of the carpet cleaning

Cooked and got ready to freeze about 10 lbs of beets-11 bags with 2 cups each
Wiped down the counters and mopped the floor from beet juice spots
Cleaned the stove top from beet juice
Mopped the floor again because stove top cleaning made a mess

Loaded and unloaded the dishwasher twice
Hand washed dishes twice-including those that wouldn't fit in the dishwasher at the end of the day
Washed all the water bottles (the Lambs each have one for bedtime and one at the table for daily use)

Cooked lunch for Lamb 1, 3, and myself while Lamb 2 and Ram were at the cafe
Helped Ram cook supper with allowed foods for his medical test on Friday (cooked/warmed up smoked turkey, mashed potatoes without skin, warmed up macaroni and cheese, corn on the cob for the rest of us)
Fixed Ram a snack before he is on an all liquid diet today

Talked to my sister on the phone
Opened a box of goodies from Ram's mom
Helped Lamb 1 try on his new fireman uniform from Grandma
Made a shopping list
Wrote a to do list for today

Did Compline with Ram

I did not accomplish these items on my to do list yesterday so they are on today's list.
Help/supervise Lamb 1 do a math lesson
Supervise the Lambs cleaning up their toys in the basement

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