Sunday, January 4, 2009

What I love about being a Mama during the diaper years

My Looper friend Pam, put this list on Loopers today. I think it is a great reminder for those of us that are so busy during the diaper years to take a minute to appreciate what we have. This is her list so there are a few that don't apply for me (at least not yet), but you just can't beat some of these!

Things I enjoy about the Diaper Years
1) Keeps me at the foot of the cross
2) The delicious smell of the freshly bathed newborn
3) Being 'The Mom,' who can kiss owies, give hugs, and make it 'all better'
4) Cute little baby and toddler bums
5) Keeps me humble
6) Soft baby hair at the nape of the neck
7) Wide, sweet eyes looking up at me while nursing contentedly
8) Hearing my kids, including the two year old, sing from memory the liturgy and hymns
9) The hugs of forgiveness that come after repentance
10) It is so humbling
11) The forgiveness my children offer me when I have sinned against them
12) Seeing my 3yo offer to share his toy, cookie, etc with the 2yo with NO prompting from me.
13) Sharing with my older ones a cute antic of the 2yo.
14) Watching my 6yo son hold the 6mo baby in his lap and sing hymns or read a book to her
15) I can't forget that children are indeed a blessing from God
16) When the 2yo brings me 'food' to 'eat' from her little toy dishes, and grins and giggles when I pretend to 'eat' it.
17) The sparkle and excitement in my children's eyes when they run into the house to tell me what they found in the woods *this* time. (snake, lizard, dead bird, saw a deer)
18) The same sparkle and excitement they feel for each other's joys
19) The concern for each other's feelings when one is sad or hurt, especially...
20) When the 2yo approaches the crying 9yo, pats her shoulder and asks 'are you okay?'
21) Seeing the children all vie for who gets to sit on Dad's lap during after-supper devotion time.
22) Watching them sleep
23) The whole family rejoicing together when the potty learning child 'goes' in the toilet!
24) The enthusiastic response when we tell the children we are expecting another baby
25) Knowing I may see all these precious souls in heaven one day, and thanking God daily for the privilege of being their mommy

I would like to add getting to read to toddlers daily as a great joy. I don't know who enjoys the classic children's books more, my boys or me!

I'm not looking forward to #17, but I know it's coming with 3 boy lambs!

I'm hoping that we can take part in #23 soon with Lamb 2, but we'll still be in diaper years for awhile even if that happens.

As my dad always said, changing diapers is a reminder to thank God that the plumbing works for the baby. Thank you God, for blessing me with 3 Lambs to be Mama for during the diaper years!

1 comment:

Esther said...

They grow too fast. Thank you for reminding me to be thankful for the diaper years. I know I'll miss the special mommy and me times when Emma's getting diapered!