Monday, September 14, 2009

Thank you, Jesus!

Thank you, Jesus for home pregnancy tests.

Thank you, Jesus for placing us in an area with a wonderful Certified Nurse Midwife that doesn't mind an after hour phone call.

Thank you, Jesus that I had my checkbook along last Thursday to pay the copay. I didn't think of that because usually when I go to the midwife it is free because it a prenatal visit.

Thank you, Jesus for an understanding, compassionate, female lab technician to draw my blood last Thursday.

Thank you, Jesus for an opportunity to witness to the mean nurse that asked me, "Did you abort the baby yet?" while she was filling out paperwork.

Thank you, Jesus for providing us with a babysitter that is homeschooled to watch Lamb 1 and 2 while I went to the midwife when Ram was unavailable to watch them last Thursday.

Thank you, Jesus for Lamb 3 providing "entertainment" in the waiting room to get my mind off of what was happening last Thursday.

Thank you, Jesus for almost 4 hours of driving time (alone or with just Lamb 3) to the midwife to listen to hymns on CD and have some alone time to think.

Thank you, Jesus that I didn't need any procedures besides blood drawn and a shot. Thank you, Jesus for all the medical advances that we have!

Thank you, Jesus that Ram and I have been doing Compline daily so our little Lamb heard God's word daily.

Thank you, Jesus for providing a LCMS pastor when I went to lunch today and he had a very nice prayer for my family and for me.

Thank you, Jesus that we had not told very many people that I was pregnant so there weren't very many people that we "had" to tell about the miscarriage.

Thank you, Jesus for blessing me with many friends (some of whom I have never met) to comment on my blog and send e-mails to encourage me.

Thank you, Jesus for blessing our family with Lamb 1, 2, and 3. My boys have tried to be extra gentle with Mama and give extra hugs and kisses.

Thank you, Jesus for an understanding, wonderful husband.

Thank you, Father, for sending your Son to die for our sins and rise again so that some day we can be reunited with our loved ones in heaven.


Erin said...

A great post. Thank you. (tears rolling down my cheeks)

Gina said...

I'm so sorry, but so thankful that you have that peace of knowing you will be with your little 4th lamb in heaven.

Reb. Mary said...

Thank you, Ewe, for this statement of faith.

So sorry to hear about this new sadness in your family. May God comfort you as only He can.

I think we compared notes awhile back on our respective 3 boys being almost of an age. (And the child I recently miscarried would have been born in early 2010 as well.) We started homeschooling "kindergarten" this year too!

MooreMama said...

I'm so sorry, Ewe, I hadn't seen this until just today.

The Mama said...

I hadn't seen this until today- I'm so sorry!