Ram's parents had some money from when Ram's mom's parents died and from when Ram's younger brother died. They wanted to do something for us that would be a nice memory with some of this money.
When Ram's parents were here at Thanksgiving, I asked if I could practice taking photos with Ram's dad's camera to see if I liked it for us to purchase a similar one. Ram's dad joked that maybe he needed to upgrade and give us his camera. After thinking about it some more, he decided he didn't want to upgrade, he liked his camera. Oh well, we just had to shop some more for a camera. We were still at the thinking about buying a camera stage, not actually at the shopping stage.
Ram's dad is extremely busy at work and travels a lot. He worked a long time online shopping for a camera for us using some of the money I mentioned. He did this all between Thanksgiving and Christmas. As you can see from the photo, he thought of everything that we could need! He bought us a huge camera bag. Our anniversary is December 29 and the camera arrived on our anniversary day. He bought us a camera that was perfect for us a new photographers-can take great photos but not so complicated that we can't figure it out!
He bought us a Canon EOS Rebel T1i. He bought a nice book to go with it. I have tried to read a few pages a day with the camera around my neck and try out different settings as I read about it. I did really well when we first got the camera, but recently I haven't made time to play with my camera.
We had a terrible time getting the CD that came with the camera to load onto our computer. We gave up for several weeks. I had taken a lot of photos, but we couldn't download them onto our computer. I gave up taking photos with the new camera for a few weeks when we couldn't download them. Finally we tried again and it worked!
I have a lot to learn as I never had a nice camera in my life. Before Lamb 1 was born, I think the most I ever paid for a camera was $25! I am looking forward to summer and being able to take the Lambs to a local park and taking lots of photos.
Of course, Ram's parents only requirement to give us this camera was to make sure we share photos with them! I'm a few months behind on going through photos, deleting the awful ones, getting rid of red eye on the ones that need it, and sending the good ones to Snapfish. That project will have to wait until I'm done getting our tax information ready for our tax preparer.
We are so thankful to Ram's parents for this anniversary gift. It meant even more to me (as someone who knows nothing about buying cameras) that Ram's dad took time out of his very busy schedule at work to order everything we need for this camera (bag, cleaning supplies, nice manual, and the camera and lens).
Next, I think I'm going to ask for this for my birthday!
We have been keeping the camera in Ram's office. A few weeks ago, Lamb 3 came to me and brought me the new camera. I just about had a heart attack and carefully put it away. I guess we need to look for a new place for the camera now that Lamb 3 knows how to open the sliding door in the living room to get to Ram's office!
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